Agenda item

Scheme of delegation of the leader of South Oxfordshire council to Cabinet members and officers

South Oxfordshire District Council only

Scheme of delegation of the leader of the council to cabinet members and officers


1.          The Local Government Act 2000 provides that the leader may discharge any executive functions or may arrange for the discharge of any of those functions by the cabinet, by another member of the cabinet, by a committee of the cabinet or by an officer of the council.


2.          This scheme of delegation to cabinet members and to officers is made pursuant to the Local Government Act 2000 and was approved by the leader of the council on 16 May 2024. This scheme replaces all previous schemes. 


3.          The scheme may be amended by the leader of the council at any time during the year. The scheme is subject to the general terms and conditions described below.   


Terms and conditions 

4.          Any decision taken by a cabinet member under this scheme of delegation shall only be taken having regard to any advice from the head of service responsible for the relevant function associated with the decision.


5.          Any decision which could attract to the council adverse legal consequences shall be taken after consultation with the monitoring officer.


6.          Any decision which could attract adverse financial implications shall be taken after consultation with the chief finance (section 151) officer.


7.          Where functions may be discharged by a cabinet member under this scheme of delegation the cabinet member may arrange for the discharge of any of those functions by an officer of the council.


8.          Any cabinet member exercising any delegated powers under this scheme also has the power to do anything which is calculated to facilitate or is conducive or incidental to the exercise of such delegated powers.


9.          Once a cabinet member has exercised any delegated power under this scheme, he or she shall make a record of the decision which shall include the views of any officer consulted on the issue.  The record of the decision shall be forwarded by the cabinet member or officer immediately to democratic services.


Responsibility for executive functions

10.      The following cabinet members are responsible and are delegated authority to take decisions in respect of the functions and projects set out below until they are amended or withdrawn by the leader in writing. 


Councillor David Rouane: Leader, plus cross council themes including climate action, communications, and legal and democratic services

Councillor Maggie Filipova-Rivers: Statutory deputy leader, plus housing and community hub

Councillor Robin Bennett: Deputy leader, plus economic development and regeneration

Councillor Pieter-Paul Barker: Finance and property assets

Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye: Corporate services

Councillor Georgina Heritage: Communities

Councillor Sam James-Lawrie: Environment

Councillor Anne-Marie Simpson: Planning


11.      I delegate authority to the chief executive to discharge all executive functions and to request any member of the cabinet to act on behalf of the leader in the leader’s and deputy leader’s absence. 


 Executive joint committee/partnership appointments

12.      I appoint members to the following:


Health Improvement Partnership Board – Councillor Georgina Heritage


Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board - Councillor Georgina Heritage, with Councillor Maggie Filipova-Rivers as substitute

Five Councils’ Partnership Corporate Services Joint Committee – Councillors Pieter-Paul Barker and Sam Casey-Rerhaye, with all other cabinet members as substitutes

Safer Oxfordshire Partnership Oversight Committee – Councillor Georgina Heritage

South and Vale Community Safety Partnership – Councillor Georgina Heritage

Combatting Drugs Partnership – Councillor Georgina Heritage

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership – Councillor David Rouane (substitute Councillor Maggie Filipova-Rivers)

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership Housing Advisory Group – Councillor Maggie Filipova-Rivers, with all other Cabinet members as substitutes

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership Environment Advisory Group – Councillor Robin Bennett, with all other Cabinet members as substitutes

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership Infrastructure Advisory Group – Councillor Pieter-Paul Barker, with all other Cabinet members as substitutes

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership Planning Advisory Group – Councillor Anne-Marie Simpson, with all other Cabinet members as substitutes

Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership – Councillor Robin Bennett


 Scrap Metal Sub-Committee

13.I establish a Scrap Metal Sub-Committee (known as a Panel) comprising any three members of the Cabinet, to include the Cabinet member for housing and environment if he/she is available, to consider contested applications and authorise the head of legal and democratic to invite an appropriate panel to conduct a scheduled hearing.


Councillor David Rouane, Leader of South Oxfordshire District Council 

16 May 2024



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