Committee details

Licensing Acts Committee

Purpose of committee

The committee is responsible for all matters under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005.  The 2003 Act concerns the regulation of the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment.  The 2005 Act covers the control and licensing of gambling (namely gaming, betting and lotteries).


The committee agrees the licensing policy and the gambling policy under the relevant Acts. It has sub-committees called Licensing Panels to deal with particular applications. It seldom meets.


Attending a meeting


You can speak or ask questions about items on the agenda. To be allowed to speak, you must register with democratic services by 5pm on the last working day before the meeting. Please contact democratic services for more information before registering.


You can observe most business at public meetings.  On occasion, the committee may consider items on the agenda without the public present.  When this happens you cannot watch the business taking place.  The agenda for the meeting will indicate if and when the public cannot observe the business.



Contact information

Support officer: Luci Ashbourne, Democratic Services Officer. Democratic Services Officer

Phone: 07523 978902
