Issue - decisions

Corporate Plan 2024-2028

12/03/2024 - Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028 Approach

Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report, which sought endorsement to the approach to develop the new Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028. 


Scrutiny Committee had supported the proposed approach to the corporate plan but asked Cabinet to consider the following:

·       slight changes in language suggested – use of adaptation (related to climate), participants not audiences, promoting not supporting community-led engagement.  Suggestion of having a jargon-buster;

·       engagement should be considered with hard-to-reach groups, look at our communications channel and how we use language;

·       draft an overarching vision to crystallise the values in the plan;

·       the council’s procurement strategy should align with principles and values in the corporate plan;

·       there should be fairness on housing (relating to theme 4) and equal access to services and infrastructure;

·       consider business support and amplifying that in the plan;

·       how do we engage with the visitor economy in the plan;

·       support engagement with younger people/future generations;

·       timetable for lessons learned from the Joint Local Plan engagement process. 


Officers had provided a written response to Cabinet following Scrutiny Committee’s suggestions. 


The Cabinet member for corporate services, policy and programmes welcomed the feedback from Scrutiny Committee.  Most of the points raised were in hand; other suggestions would be taken forward as the draft plan was developed further.  For example, further consideration would be given to encompass the climate emergency and nature recovery throughout the plan.  The overarching vision was crucial. 


Cabinet concurred, believing that widespread engagement was important, particularly with lesser heard groups.  It was noted that the corporate plan would be brought back to Cabinet in the autumn for further consideration and then recommendation on to Council. 


RESOLVED: to endorse approach to develop the new Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028.