Issue - decisions

Community infrastructure levy

11/02/2016 - Community infrastructure levy

Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report on the South Oxfordshire Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and associated documents. 


In February 2015 Cabinet approved the Draft Charging Schedule together with supporting evidence for consultation and subsequent submission to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination.  A public hearing was held in July 2015.  In December 2015, the Examiner recommended adoption of the Community Infrastructure Levy, subject to:

·         amending the Charging Schedule to specifically exclude student halls of residence from the Community Infrastructure Levy residential charge

·         amending the proposed rate for offices (including research and development) from £35 per square metre to £0

·         amending the definition of ‘small centre retail development’ to ‘other retail development’


The Charging Schedule before Cabinet had been amended to incorporate the Inspector’s recommendations.  Cabinet was asked to recommend to Council to adopt the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and associated documents, including the Regulation 123 Infrastructure List and the Instalment Policy.  If adopted, the Community Infrastructure Levy would come into effect on 1 April 2016. 


Cabinet believed that adopting the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule was essential to bring in infrastructure funding to support development in the district and therefore supported its adoption.  The charging schedule was a good starting point but Cabinet considered that a further review should be undertaken later in the year. 


RECOMMENDED to Council to:


(a)       adopt the modified South Oxfordshire Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule with an effective implementation date of 1 April 2016;


(b)       not introduce a policy for Discretionary Relief in Exceptional Circumstances; and


(c)       approve the following Community Infrastructure Levy associated documents:

·         Community Infrastructure Levy Regulation 123 Infrastructure List

·         Community Infrastructure Levy Instalment Policy