29/09/2021 - Design guide

Purpose: to approve the draft joint design guide for consultation

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for planning

Decision due date: 10/2021

Lead officer: Dominic Lamb

Notice of decision: 29/09/2021

29/09/2021 - IT solution - property, asset management and technical services

Purpose: to approve the system procurement

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/11/2021

Lead officer: James Carpenter

Notice of decision: 29/09/2021

22/09/2021 - Civil Parking Enforcement

Purpose: to appoint an outside body representative to PATROL, the civil parking regulator

Decision Maker: Leader of the council

Decision due date: 12/2022

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 22/09/2021

22/09/2021 - Joint Local Plan sustainability appraisal

Purpose: to approve for consultation the sustainability appraisal screening and scoping reports

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for planning

Decision due date: 02/2022

Lead officer: Tom Rice

Notice of decision: 22/09/2021

27/08/2021 - Future waste services

Purpose: to consider and determine future provision of the council’s waste collection and street cleansing service

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 03/02/2022

Lead officer: William Maxwell

Notice of decision: 27/08/2021

17/08/2021 - On-street parking in Wallingford

Purpose: to cancel the agency agreement with Oxfordshire County Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for the environment

Decision due date: 01/2023

Wards affected: Wallingford;

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 17/08/2021

17/08/2021 - Sunday car parking

Purpose: to approve an amendment to allow enforcement

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for the environment

Decision due date: 01/2023

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 17/08/2021

17/08/2021 - New car park order

Purpose: to approve changes to the car park order and car parking policy 

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 11/08/2022

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 17/08/2021

26/07/2021 - Technology strategy

Purpose: to approve the IT strategy 

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/11/2021

Lead officer: James Carpenter

Notice of decision: 26/07/2021

20/07/2021 - Developer contributions supplementary planning document

Purpose: to approve the document for consultation

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 03/02/2022

Lead officer: Vicky Aston, Cathie Scotting

Notice of decision: 20/07/2021

24/05/2021 - Joint statement of community involvement

Purpose: to approve a joint statement of community involvement with Vale of White Horse District Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 02/12/2021

Lead officer: Emma Baker

Notice of decision: 24/05/2021

01/04/2021 - Electric vehicle park and charge project

Purpose: to obtain approval to enter into a contract with a charging operator

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for the environment

Decision due date: 10/2021

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 01/04/2021

27/01/2021 - Grounds maintenance and public toilet cleaning services

Purpose: to provide vehicles for this service

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for the environment

Decision due date: 06/2023

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 27/01/2021

02/01/2020 - Flood and water management agreement

Purpose: to approve the agency agreement and charges with Oxfordshire County Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision due date: 13/10/2022

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 02/01/2020

18/10/2019 - Standing item: Recommendations from other committees

Purpose: to consider and determine action on any recommendations from other committees

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 09/11/2023

Lead officer: Steve Culliford

Notice of decision: 18/10/2019

01/03/2019 - Stairlift contract

Purpose: to award a contract to provide stairlifts - funded by the Disabled Facilities Grant

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for community wellbeing

Decision due date: 06/2022

Lead officer: Philip Ealey

Notice of decision: 01/03/2019

28/07/2014 - Standing item: Property decisions

Purpose: to approve any property sales or purchases or take any property management decisions

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for economic development and regeneration, Head of development and corporate landlord

Decision due date: 10/2023

Lead officer: Karen Lister

Notice of decision: 28/07/2014