ePetition details

Promoting plant-based eating

We the undersigned petition the council to 1. Ensure that plant-based menus are available wherever the council has influence (e.g. civic events, leisure centres, public cafes), giving priority to ingredients that are locally sourced using nature-friendly principles. 2. Develop outreach to SODC residents and businesses to provide information on the impact of food on environmental impacts and health outcomes. 3. Inspire, promote and support initiatives towards sustainable, nature-friendly food production practices. 4. Remove meat and dairy advertising wherever the council has influence.

“Food is both the source of, and the solution to, many of the problems we face today. To tackle the challenges of health and well-being, climate change and biodiversity loss…….Oxfordshire must have a vibrant and sustainable food system.” (Oxfordshire Food Strategy)

“One of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions and free up land for nature is to cut back on animal proteins.” (National Food Strategy, Chapter 16, p. 20)

“Taken together, the beneficial effects of plant-based diets, including the protection they offer against premature mortality, provide strong evidence for public health guidelines recommending healthful plant-based diets as a means to prevent and control non-communicable diseases.” (World Health Organization, 2021

This ePetition runs from 03/05/2024 to 30/09/2024.

10 people have signed this ePetition.