Venue: Meeting Room 1, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE
Contact: Darius Zarazel, Democratic Services Officer 07917 088376
No. | Item |
Chair's announcements To receive any announcements from the chair and general housekeeping matters. Minutes: The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, outlined the procedure to be followed and advised on emergency evacuation arrangements.
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence was received from Councillors Ali Gordon-Creed, who was substituted for Councillor James Norman, Sam Casey-Rerhaye, Ken Arlett, who was substituted for Councillor Stefan Gawrysiak, and Tim Bearder, who was substituted for Councillor Georgina Heritage. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To adopt and sign as a correct record the Planning Committee minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2023 as a correct record and agree that the Chair sign these as such.
Declarations of interest To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and non-registrable interests or any conflicts of interest in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Urgent business To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent and to receive any notification of any applications deferred or withdrawn. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |
Public participation To receive any statements from members of the public that have registered to speak on planning applications which are being presented to this committee meeting. Minutes: The list showing members of the public who had registered to speak was tabled at the meeting. |
P23/S2101/FUL - Doghouse Studio, Bolney Road, Lower Shiplake, RG9 3NS Erect ancillary retrospective accommodation/annexe to the main dwelling The Doghouse. Retention of raised mobile home by 0.5m above finished ground level, erection of a raised timber deck, privacy screens/ramps to the side and retention of existing access on land adjacent to The Doghouse. (as per amended plans submitted 25 September 2023). Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered planning application P23/S2101/FUL for the erection of ancillary retrospective accommodation/annexe to the main dwelling The Doghouse. Retention of raised mobile home by 0.5m above finished ground level, erection of a raised timber deck, privacy screens/ramps to the side and retention of existing access on land adjacent to The Doghouse (as per amended plans submitted 25 September 2023), on land at Doghouse Studio, Bolney Road, Lower Shiplake.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of Shiplake Parish Council.
The planning officer informed the committee that the National Planning Policy Framework was updated at the end of 2023 and had not affected the officer’s assessment of the application.
The site itself contained a dwelling on a plot located to the north of Shiplake, accessible via Bolney Road, and inside of a locally valued landscape area as identified by the Shiplake Neighbourhood Plan. The planning officer also noted that the site was within flood zone 3b but that the development did not require a sequential test and was not water sensitive and would not lead to a net increase in permeable area on the site. She also highlighted that the council’s drainage engineer had no objection to the proposal.
The planning officer emphasised that the site had received a certificate of lawfulness in 2021 for the placement of a residential caravan at the northwest of the garden for ancillary use to the main dwelling on the site. This certificate of lawfulness confirmed the use of the land for a twin unit caravan but not any associated developments. However, the caravan was implemented with additional developments, such as a ramp and terrace, and the council considered that these would make the structure permanent and so needing planning permission.
Due to the originally submitted plan being amended to reduce the scale of the terrace, the planning officer confirmed that the application was part retrospective.
As the features along Bolney Road included various garages and set back houses, the siting and appearance of the caravan was not considered to be out of character with the area. In addition, the planning officer confirmed that the ancillary function of the building was to remain by virtue of the application made and any proposed use of the building as a separate dwelling would be an act of development requiring another application for planning permission.
Overall, as the planning officer believed that the proposal was not out of character with the surrounding area and was policy compliant, she recommended that it be approved.
Councillor Fiona Galton-Fenzi spoke on behalf of Shiplake Parish Council, objecting to the application.
The committee discussed the definition of a caravan and were satisfied that the caravan on the site met the definition under the act as a twin bed caravan. The members ... view the full minutes text for item 146. |
P23/S0767/FUL - Land to the east of Crest Estate, Stoke Row Erection of two new dwellings and double garage (site area extended, size, position and detail of dwellings adjusted, drainage repositioned as shown on amended plans and additional arboricultural report, ecology report and highways technical note and updated energy and planning statements received 14th July 2023 and ecological information updated as shown on amended landscape plan and supporting documents submitted 11th August 2023 and amended drainage details received 10th October 2023 and additional section received 17th November 2023). Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered planning application P23/S0767/FUL for the erection of 2 new dwellings and double garage (site area extended, size, position and detail of dwellings adjusted, drainage repositioned as shown on amended plans and additional arboricultural report, ecology report and highways technical note and updated energy and planning statements received 14 July 2023 and ecological information updated as shown on amended landscape plan and supporting documents submitted 11 August 2023 and amended drainage details received 10 October 2023 and additional section received 17 November 2023), on land at Land to the east of Crest Estate, Stoke Row.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of Stoke Row Parish Council.
The planning officer informed the committee that he considered the principle of development to be acceptable as it was an infill development inside of a settlement, and that this was something that was also permitted in the Chilterns National Landscape. He also noted that the recent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework at the end of 2023 did not affect his recommendation.
In terms of the scale, form, and detailing of the dwellings, the planning officer believed that they related well to their surroundings and would conserve the landscape. In addition, he highlighted to the committee that the proposed dwellings would protect the amenity of the existing neighbouring properties.
On the proposed access, the planning officer confirmed that the accesses and parking arrangement were considered by the highways authority and that they did not have concerns about highway or pedestrian safety.
On flooding, the council’s drainage engineer assessed the proposal and considered that the scheme could deal with onsite surface water, but as it also brought flood alleviation to the wider area, the application did not require a sequential test.
Overall, as the principal of development was acceptable and that the application itself was policy compliant, the planning officer recommended that it be approved.
Roger Clayson and Councillor Mike Steyn spoke on behalf of Stoke Row Parish Council, objecting to the application.
The committee inquired into the flood mitigation in the scheme and the planning officer assured members that, although there were surface water drainage issues on and around the site, the application had been evaluated by the drainage engineer and they were satisfied that the removal of the verge on Main Street and the installation of a cattle grid to capture and transport surface water around the site, would act as a sort of flood alleviation scheme. For these reasons, the drainage engineer considered that the flood alleviation brought by the application would outweigh the harm of not conducting a sequential test. Overall, the planning officer confirmed that the application would be able to deal with the surface water on the site, but also any water that would come in ... view the full minutes text for item 147. |
P23/S2141/FUL - Summer Cottage, Cane End, RG4 9HG Retrospective planning for change of use of three areas of land for dog walking including associated benches/tables and shelters, change of use of an area as dog adventure park and change of use of existing outbuilding for dog day care and dog grooming service, and installation of septic tank. Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered planning application P23/S2141/FUL for the retrospective planning for change of use of three areas of land for dog walking including associated benches/tables and shelters, change of use of an area as dog adventure park and change of use of existing outbuilding for dog day care and dog grooming service, and installation of septic tank., on land at Summer Cottage, Cane End.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of Kidmore End Parish Council.
The planning officer informed the committee that the National Planning Policy Framework changes from 2023 had not affected the officer’s assessment of the application.
The application itself was retrospective and sought the change of use for an adventure park for dog walking, dog day-care, and grooming area. The planning officer considered that the impact on the National Landscape was acceptable and that the impact on neighbouring amenity was also acceptable subject to conditions relating to operating hours.
Overall, as the planning officer believe the application complied with the Local Plan, Neighbourhood Plan, and National Planning Policy Framework, it should be approved.
Andrew Harland spoke on behalf of Kidmore End Parish Council, objecting to the application.
Simon Herbert, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Camilla Skinner spoke objecting to the application.
Councillor Peter Dragonetti, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.
The committee noted that they were considering the application in front of them and that, if the application was approved, enforcement of the conditions would be a separate matter that would dealt with by the council’s enforcement team if necessary. Therefore, enforcement of conditions would not affect the committee’s deliberations.
On a question about if the dog operation would be acceptable in the National Landscape, the planning officer confirmed that they would be as they were considered land-based businesses and there were no additional buildings proposed.
Members inquired if the planning officer had given consideration and planning weight to the impact the application would have on the neighbours and he confirmed that he had given them considerable weight as that was a factor in why enforcement took action on the site previously. He also confirmed that he had spoken to the environmental health team about the noise and that they did not believe that there was statutory noise nuisance derived from the site or excessive aggression by the dogs.
On a question about the adequacy of the fencing, the planning officer confirmed that the fencing was appropriate and suggested a condition on approval of the application for the fence details to be submitted and to make sure that they are maintained. In addition, in response to a question about traffic and access, the planning officer did not believe that a traffic management plan was necessary as the local highway’s authority had ... view the full minutes text for item 148. |